Archive for the ‘ Project 6 – iPad Article ’ Category

Project 6: Final version

The first version that I made in inDesign was not very interesting, because it had white background, and the layout of last page was very plain and boring. It also had a couple minor issues with alignment and spacing.

In the final version, I changed the third page a lot, introduced a sans-serif font for pull-quotes, and got rid of small defects, such as hyphenation across columns.

Project 6: Work in progress

After having looked at all the grids, I found myself really puzzled as to what I should really do about the article.

I tried to sketch a couple things, but it didn’t go too well because I was not working on real text, and sketching didn’t really give me many useful ideas.

Here is a couple sketches that I made:

First, I considered some of the images that I would like to put in the article

Then I tried to imagine how certain layouts would look

I think I did most of the work when I actually tried to put the text in two columns, and saw that the lines were too long, and then tried to put it on a modular grid, and that didn’t work out too nicely… So in the end I settled on a three column grid.

Project 6: Article of my choice

I would like to work with the “Java Man” article by Malcolm Gladwell.

There are several reasons for it. Most importantly, thinking about coffee makes me imagine its pleasant smell and warmth. A million pictures comes to my mind straight away – a coffee bean, a coffee cup, a nice cozy couch by the fire at Starbucks on Walnut street… I find the topic pleasant, and I see it in nice rich earthy colors – the color of coffee, the ground in grows on, the hard-working hands that harvest it…

Also, I like the author’s style, so I will definitely enjoy re-reading the article and organizing it. I feel like I share a lot of ideas with the author, and it makes me feel really comfortable with the text.